Regional Transportation Authorities: Unconstitutional

Breaking — the State Supreme Court just ruled that regional transportation authorities cannot levy taxes for transportation.

“The ruling means that we don’t have an authority,” said Art Collins, acting executive director of the Hampton Roads Transportation Authority. “We just went back 12 years in planning. We now have no valid transportation plan. It’s just nuclear. That’s the only way you can describe it”

The governor, attorney general and speaker of the House are preparing a joint statement; the governor will have a media availability this afternoon. Audio of that availability will be provided tonight on VPOD.

Politically: Bob Marshall’s stock just went up. But everyone who was involved in advocating HB 3202 is going to have to answer a lot of questions.

For the average citizen: we’re screwed again. Little to no funding is currently available to develop the transportation solutions we need.

Update: Here is the print statement from Gov. Kaine, Atty. Gen. McDonnell and Speaker Howell:

“I am disappointed by the Supreme Court’s finding that the limited authority to impose taxes granted by the General Assembly in 2007, by an overwhelming vote by both bodies, was unconstitutional,” said Governor Kaine. “I remain committed to working with the General Assembly to ensure that the Commonwealth provides adequate funding for our transportation needs. Over the next few days, my legal staff and I will work closely with the Attorney General’s Office and members of the General Assembly to determine what alternatives are available to provide adequate transportation funding.”

“We intervened in this case as is our obligation to defend challenges to the constitutionality of legislation passed by the General Assembly,” said Attorney General Bob McDonnell. “The Virginia Supreme Court has spoken, we respect their decision, and we will advise our clients appropriately based on today’s ruling. It remains critical for Virginia’s future prosperity that we improve our transportation system.”

“The complicated decision of the Court, and its effect on the regional components of the Comprehensive Transportation Funding and Reform Act of 2007, are disappointing to those of us who continue to support improving our roads, reducing congestion and increasing mobility for all Virginians,” said Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford). “We will be reviewing this decision carefully and remain committed to sorting out the long-term prospects for the regional plans in a timely manner. Fortunately, the statewide components of the Act – which by themselves incorporate the largest single investment in transportation in a generation – are working right now to improve our roads, railways, and public transit.”

Read the court opinion.

More from the Virginian-Pilot

Other’s blogging: Below the Beltway, BVBL and Raising Kaine

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