A grim start to Cuccinelli’s health care lawsuit

Want to know how the Attorney General will fare before the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals? Here’s a good clue:

A three-judge federal appeals panel comprised of two Obama nominees and a Clinton nominee will hear arguments later this morning in two lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the national health care law.

The makeup of the U.S. Fourth Circuit of Appeals panel is crucial, because in lower court rulings so far, Democratic judges have upheld the law while Republican judges have declared it unconstitutional.

The judges on the panel will be Obama nominees James A. Wynn, Jr and Andre M. Davis, who will sit on the panel along with Clinton nominee Diana Gribbon Motz.

According to the Fourth Circuit, the panel is chosen by “a computer program designed to achieve total random selection.”

Random is good…except when the results is a murderer’s row that will likely take great joy in swatting Cuccinelli’s case out of the park.

(Cross-posted at Score Radio Network)

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