Does Anyone See Something… Wrong… With This “Endorcement” Policy?

Let’s see if it gets changed in the next few minutes:


Evans Issues Endorcement Policy for Senate Campaign

Fieldale, VA – Jeff Evans for Senate announced today that they will not be soliciting nor accepting any endorsements from elected officials or political figures outside of the district in this election cycle. Jeff Evans issued the following statement:

“One of the problems with politics today lies in the aspect of being indebted to other politicians and party bodies. The original intent for state representation was for a senator or delegate to go to Richmond and carry with them the opinions and voices of their neighbors, business partners, church families, and communities. They were never intended to go to Richmond to serve another master. They were intended to serve their district.

In today’s politics, men and women get elected by the efforts and votes of people in their districts simply to go to Richmond and forget about the people who sent them there. They quickly begin making deals and exchanging favors with their party and other politicians. Before they realize it they are a servant to the party and career politicians which they have become indebted to and have forgotten to serve the people who sent them there.

For this reason, I am pledging today that I will not be accepting nor soliciting any endorsements from career politicians in Richmond or elsewhere. I plan to go to Richmond indebted only to the people who sent me there, from the district in which I was born and raised and have lived in consecutively for the past twenty-seven years.  Soon, I will be releasing a list of the only endorsements that I believe really matter – endorsements of voters and constituents in the district which I am running to serve. “

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Jeff Evans is a retired Virginia State Trooper, Army veteran, former Carroll County Supervisor, local associate pastor, devoted husband and father of two children. He will work with our communities to build a brighter future for our families through creating jobs, cutting spending, and leading with his strong conservative values once elected.


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