Jeff Evans Becomes Russ Potts 2.0

Just when you think they’d get the point, the moderate weenies within the Republican Party just keep crawling out of the woodwork.

Today’s episode is none other than the “endorcement” refusing and now independant… er, indeepandunt… um… well, Jeff Evans is pulling a Russ Potts for the 20th State Senate because he didn’t get his way for a nomination method:

There will be no Republican Primary for Virginia’s 20th District State Senate race because Bill Stanley is the only Republican seeking office. Star News investigated and learned that no one else met yesterday’s deadline at 5pm. Doug Dunlap and Jeff Evans were expected to go to the primary this August with Stanley, but we immediately learned new information about Evans.

Jeff Evans declared his Independent campaign for Virginia’s 20th District State Senate today. He will face Republican nominee (and current State Senator) Bill Stanley and Democrat Roscoe Reynolds (incumbent) in the November general election.

When I was at RPV during the 2007 election, we sent out mail.  A lot of mail.  But we only had a handful of returns… except for the Evans race, where fliers were mailed back with swastika’s drawn into Evans’ head, his eyes gouged out, and all sorts of the most vile and hateful mail was returned.  I truly felt sorry for the guy — we even had our own trash can just for all the returns on Evans mail.

Today’s move gives a bit of insight as to why people felt that way about Jeff Evans back in 2007.  If you listen to the audio, it’s very apparent that Evans believes the 20th State Senate seat is his birthright… and the political process be damned.

So Evans is now either taking a gamble, or turning his back on the Republican Party in an effort to overturn the political process.  Smart money says that if he truly believed in the people he intended to represent… he’d have challenged Bill Stanley in a primary.

Guess not.  So Evans will do it the Russ Potts way…

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