The President’s magical mystery tour is on its way to Virginia

The President will bring his enormous bus back to Virginia this month to talk about jobs and the economy, though his itinerary hasn’t been set.

But we can make a few guesses about what the tour will and won’t cover, and even a place or two that definitely won’t be on the route.

We can be almost certain there will be no reference to the economic wreckage of Solyndra, nor will there be any discussion of the “Fast and Furious” scandal that is engulfing the Obama Justice Department.

We can be certain the President will give repeated shout-outs to his frenemy Eric Cantor over the must-pass jobs bill, but will probably neglect to mention the Labor Department inspector general’s report that recommends scrapping the green jobs training program and returning $300 million to the Treasury.

One thing we can be very certain about is that the President will not be paying a visit to the district of fellow Democrat, Sen. Phil Puckett, who has said ‘I don’t plan to support President Obama for re-election.’

And we can only speculate as to whether the President will stop in Richmond to lend a sympathetic ear to the confused masses planning to occupy a scrap of land near the Federal Reserve Building.

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