GOP “Jobs Tracker” shows the Senate is the problem

Following up on Jim’s post from yesterday about the President’s shameful dithering on the economy, Rep. Eric Cantor’s office has created a handy site that allows folks to keep track of the job and economic growth measures the House has passed.

Looking over the Jobs Tracker site, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the House, in bipartisan fashion, has passed a slew of jobs bills, but most of them are sitting on a shelf in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Meanwhile, the President, who made a special trip to Mr. Cantor’s district back in September to talk-up his “must pass” jobs bill, has done precious little to get his former Senate colleagues to move on these measures (with a few happy exceptions, including the long-delayed free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia and South Korea).

Rather, the President has taken to the campaign trail to rail against congressional (read: Republican) intransigence.

I suggest that if the President, is serious about the economy, he channel his inner LBJ, start working the phones and come up with his own version of “The Johnson Treatment.”

But that assumes the President is serious about jobs creation instead of job preservation.

Namely, his own.

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