Election 2011 Flashback: Generation Joshua in Danville

With the 2011 elections almost a week behind us, I thought it appropriate to give some credit where it is due before we become too far removed from the elections.

In the last days of the 2011 election, I had the opportunity to work alongside a great group of young people from Generation Joshua as they helped to take the majority in the Virginia Senate by assisting in the election of Bill Stanley. This dedicated group came into the Danville office and made a tremendous difference in the GOTV efforts. Their work is chronicled in an article in the Danville Register and Bee’s website.

This group did everything from making phone calls to going door to door and I never heard one complaint from any of them and I am not the only one they impressed; they made a positive impression on others with whom they worked. Part of what impressed me so much was the positive attitude and spirit which they brought to their tasks.

I later discovered that Generation Joshua had also sent deployments into several other Senate contests, including a team that helped Bryce Reeves.

Stanley’s Danville field director John Findlay, said

Generation Joshua is a great organization that helped us immensely. The attitude and work ethic of the kids that drove to Danville was just fantastic. The group numbering less than 20, made over 30,000 phone calls in a 3 day period! The Generation Joshua deployment was essential to our victory.

I could go on for a long time describing the great work that this group did. All I can say is that these kids have a great future and I certainly hope to work with them again.




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