Cuccinelli unimpressed by the presidential field

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has surveyed the GOP presidential field and found it lacking:

“I don’t think there’s any single candidate … that’s so spectacular that he leaps out to everyone that he’s the one…”

Readers of Bearing Drift Magazine and listeners of “The Score” radio show already knew about Cuccinelli’s qualms with the field and the qualities he was looking for in a candidate.

So you’re a months ahead of the Washington Examiner — take a bow (and if you haven’t subscribed to the Magazine yet, you can do so on the right sidebar).

But back to the question of which candidate will earn the Cuccinelli endorsement…

There is no clear frontrunner. If anything, none of the current players are in the game (a Cuccinelli endorsement of Mitt Romney, for example, would come as an almost lethal shock). He may decide to endorse no one, which could be spun as a stand on principle. Or, perhaps, Ken could be one of those Republican mandarins secretly hoping for a brokered convention, where no clear winner of the primaries has emerged, the delegates are divided and cranky and a dark horse emerges to make it all right.

We shall see.

So who is the lucky winner of Cooch’s nod? Make your case in the comments…

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