McCain under scrutiny: Hagee endorsement and gaffe in Texas

Evangelist John Hagee endorsed Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain Wednesday. Should anyone care? Well, the Catholic League does. And so do many others.

McCain gladly received the endorsement of the preacher who once called the Catholic Church “The Great Whore”, but now calls McCain, a “man of principle.”

Personally, I find Hagee to be repugnant with his statements. His comments are inflammatory and completely unnecessary. McCain should distance himself from such “supporters”, as Obama has done with Uncle Louie.

However, an endorsement, and the acceptance such an endorsement, still does not make the person on the receiving end the same in beliefs, thoughts and ideas as the person giving it. In other words, the sins of the father are not passed onto the son.

Bottom-line, McCain has shown no anti-Catholicism in his public statements or policies. This is, as usual, much ado about nothing.

McCain also had a bit of a slip-up in Texas calling himself a “conservative liberal Republican”:

(h/t: Tongues of Fire)

Hey — he could have meant that he was liberal in the economic sense of the word, right? Kind of funny, but just a gaffe. He was likely thinking of what he was getting ready to say about his Democratic rivals.

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